12 de dezembro de 2012

Counterfactual Abduction and the Inference to the Best Explanation

14th December 2012, 15:00
Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, Sala Mattos Romão (Departamento de Filosofia)

Counterfactual Abduction and the Inference to the Best Explanation
Moritz Schulz (Logos Group, University of Barcelona)
Abstract: Counterfactuals give rise to a kind of inference 
(counterfactual abduction) strikingly similar to what is usually called the inference to the best explanation. On the other hand, counterfactuals seem to play a major role in inferences to the best explanation. This suggests that the two kinds of inferences could be accounted for in a unified way. I will argue that both types of inferences can be seen as a certain kind of exclusion argument which starts with a simple disjunction of hypotheses (in the case of counterfactual abduction) or with a disjunction of potential explanations (in the case of the inference to the best explanation) and then proceeds in counterfactual terms. As a result, it will turn out that both types of abduction owe their evidential import to the availability of a corresponding deductive argument. In the form of a slogan: abduction is just a special kind of deduction.

9 de dezembro de 2012

A Renascença Portuguesa. Tensões e Divergências

Colóquio Internacional


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
8 e 9 de Janeiro
Anfiteatro III

Grupo de Investigação de Pensamento Português
do Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa

Paulo Borges
Bruno Béu de Carvalho
Dirk Hennrich
Rui Lopo


8 de Janeiro

14. 30 | Abertura
António Feijó, Director da Faculdade de Letras

15.00 – 16.40 | 1ª Sessão

Paulo Borges
A ideia de Renascença na Renascença Portuguesa

Duarte Braga
O Inquérito Literário, termómetro das tensões na Renascença Portuguesa

Miguel Real
A Pedagogia na Renascença Portuguesa

Rui Lopo
O Orientalismo na Renascença Portuguesa

16.40 – 17.00 | Debate

17.00 – 18.40 | 2ª Sessão

José Almeida
Mito, Educação e Espaço-Público no espírito da Renascença Portuguesa

Romana Valente Pinho
António Sérgio e Teixeira de Pascoaes: um conflito cultural na Renascença Portuguesa

Samuel Dimas
O panteísmo de Teixeira de Pascoaes e o teísmo de Leonardo Coimbra

Manuel Cândido Pimentel
Sant’Anna Dionísio e António Sérgio a propósito de Leonardo Coimbra

18.40 – 19.00 | Debate

19.00 – 19.50 | 3ª Sessão

Julia Alonso Dieguez
Un pensamiento asistemático ibérico

António Braz Teixeira
A Renascença Portuguesa, movimento plural

19.50 – 20.05 | Debate

9 de Janeiro

14.30 – 16.10 | 4ª Sessão

António Cândido Franco
Mitopoese e Filomitia em Teixeira de Pascoaes

Jorge Croce Rivera
Modos éticos do pensar: afinidades e contrastes entre a “ética-política” de Raul Proença e a “ética-metafísica” de José Marinho

Dirk Hennrich
Kant, Nietzsche e Schumann — e um mundo a haver. Sobre um depoimento, «Da Liberdade Transcendente», de Raul Leal.

Renato Epifânio
A estética renascente e a ideia de Pátria

16.10 – 16.30 | Debate

16.30 – 18.10 | 5ª Sessão

Bruno Béu de Carvalho
Pascoaes, Coimbra e Caeiro-Campos-Soares: as estesias aldeã e citadina nas divergências e (im)possibilidades de uma estética da saudade

Raquel Nobre Guerra
Singularidades da experiência saudosa em Teixeira de Pascoaes e Álvaro de Campos: do bucolismo ao «futurismo»

Daniel Duarte
O Pessoa de «A Águia», Nietzsche e a Verdade

Pinharanda Gomes
O criacionismo visto por alguns discípulos de Leonardo Coimbra: Delfim Santos, Sant’Anna Dionísio e José Marinho

18.10 – 18.30 | Debate

18.30 – 18.40 | Encerramento

19.00 | Bar da Biblioteca

Paulo Borges | Manifesto por uma Renascença integral e universal

Nuno Moura | Leitura de poesia

International Workshop on the Epistemology of Modality

International Workshop on the Epistemology of Modality
University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters
29-31 August 2013


Van Inwagen once wrote (in his influential paper ‘Modal epistemology’
from 1998) that “modal epistemology is a subject about which little is
known”. Today, the discipline has flourished. A lot has been written
since then and research on the topic continues to be the focus of a
large community of philosophers. We certainly know more today about
the topic than we did in 1998, but it would be daring to say that our
epistemic situation is much better. The discipline has witnessed a
Rationalist Renaissance and is now witnessing what might end up being
an anti-rationalist turn.

This workshop aims to provide a forum for discussion and to reflect,
via the contributed talks and informal discussions, the state of art
of the discipline.

Invited Speakers:
David Chalmers (Australian National University; New York University)
Bob Hale (University of Sheffield; Northern Institute of Philosophy at
Aberdeen; King’s College London)
Sonia Roca-Royes (University of Stirling)
Daniele Sgaravatti (Università dell'Aquila)
Anand Vaidya (San José State University)

João Branquinho (LanCog Group, University of Lisbon) and Sonia
Roca-Royes (University of Stirling).

Call for Abstracts

We invite submissions of long abstracts (1000-2000 words) on any
aspect in the epistemology of modality. The time slot is 90 minutes
distributed thus: 50’ talk + 40’ discussion.
For refereeing purposes, abstracts should contain a clear statement of
the thesis that will be defended in the talk as well as of the
argumentative strategy. They should be prepared for blind-refereeing.
We aim at accepting 5 abstracts.

Submission Procedure: Please send your abstract to
EpistemologyModalityLisbon@gmail.com as an attachment (.pdf
The subject of the e-mail should contain the word ‘submission’.
The body of the email should include your name, affiliation, abstract
title, and the email address you want us to use to communicate with
Deadline for submissions: 28th February 2013.
Notification of acceptance/non-acceptance: 28th May 2013.

Scientific Committee:
João Branquinho (Universidade de Lisboa); David Chalmers (Australian
National University; New York University); Bob Hale (University of
Sheffield; Northern Institute of Philosophy at Aberdeen; King’s
College London); Sonia Roca-Royes (University of Stirling); Daniele
Sgaravatti (Università dell'Aquila); and Anand Vaidya (San José State

There are no registration fees, but registration will be required.
Details on how to register will follow in due course, before
registration opens on the 1st of June 2013.

Sponsors of the Workshop:
LanCog - Research Group in Language, Mind and Cognition
FCT Project - Online Companion PTDC/FIL-FIL/121209/2010
FCT - Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministério da Educação e Ciência
CFUL - Centro de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa
FLUL - Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa
QREN - Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional